Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL)
These AMR-Wind benchmark cases feature three convective stability states: neutral, stable, and unstable. Each case is performed with a uniform mesh resolution, and the three cases adhere to examples from the following three publications, respectively:
Berg, J., E. G. Patton, and P. P. Sullivan, 2020: Large-Eddy Simulation of Conditionally Neutral Boundary Layers: A Mesh Resolution Sensitivity Study. J. Atmos. Sci., 77, 1969–1991,
Sullivan, P. P., J. C. Weil, E. G. Patton, H. J. J. Jonker, and D. V. Mironov, 2016: Turbulent Winds and Temperature Fronts in Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer. J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 1815–1840,
Sullivan, P. P., and E. G. Patton, 2011: The Effect of Mesh Resolution on Convective Boundary Layer Statistics and Structures Generated by Large-Eddy Simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 68, 2395–2415,
Publication of these AMR-Wind results is currently under review.
The neutral ABL case was run until statistical convergence, whereas the other cases
where run for only 100 steps to record computational performance. The plots from the neutral ABL case are
provided here