ExaWind Builder User Manual




Apr 21, 2021

ExaWind Builder is a collection of bash scripts to configure and compile the codes used within the ExaWind project on various high-performance computing (HPC) systems. The builder provides the following

  • Platform configuration: Provides the minimal set of modules that must be loaded when compiling with different compilers and MPI libraries on different HPC systems.

  • Software configuration: Provides baseline CMake configuration that can be used to configure the various options when building a project, e.g., enable/disable optional modules, automate specification of paths to various libraries, configure release vs. debug builds.

  • Build script generation: Generates an executable end-user script for a combination of system, compiler, and project.

  • Exawind environment generation: Generates a source-able, platform-specific script that allows the user to recreate the exact environment used to build the codes during runtime.

The build scripts are intended for developers who might want to compile the codes with different configuration options, build different branches during their development cycle, or link to a different development version of a library that is currently not available in the standard installation on the system.


Indices and tables