Installing exawind-builder

Exawind-builder provides a bootstrap script that will create the exawind directory structure, fetch necessary repositories, install dependencies, and perform initial setup and configuration. Note that this step is just preparation for being able to build nalu-wind and doesn’t install nalu-wind itself. You will need to follow the additional steps mentioned in Compiling executables using build scripts.


On OLCF Summit, NREL Eagle and Rhodes, and NERSC Cori systems, the build scripts are pre-installed and configured in the project directory. Users do not have to install their own exawind-builder on these systems. On these systems, you can skip the installation steps and proceed to the Compiling executables using build scripts section. Please consult the Exawind team if you are unsure where the build scripts are located on these systems. Please refer to How to use ExaWind builder? for more details.

For fine control of the installation process please refer to the Manual Installation section.

Basic installation for all systems

To install using bootstrap script please follow these steps.

  1. Mac OS X users will need to have Hombrew packages installed as documented in Initial Homebrew Setup for Mac OS-X Users.

  2. Download the bootstrap script

    # Download bootstrap script
    curl -fsSL -o
    chmod a+x
  3. Execute the script by providing a target system and compiler – see available target systems. If your target system is not available, you can use the generic spack system which will fetch and compile all necessary dependencies for you. [options]
      -h             - Show help message and exit
      -s <system>    - Select system profile (spack, cori, summitdev, etc.)
      -c <compiler>  - Select compiler type (gcc, clang, intel, etc.)
      -p <path>      - Root path for exawind project (default: ${HOME}/exawind)
      -n             - Configure exawind-builder to use ninja build system

    A few examples are shown below

    # Invoke by providing the system specification
    ./ -s cori -c intel        # on NERSC Cori
    ./ -s snl-ascicgpu -c gcc  # On SNL ASC GPU machine
    ./ -s summitdev -c gcc     # On ORNL SummitDev
    # Example with a custom path
    ./ -s cori -c intel -p ${HOME}/MyProjects/exawind

Upon sucessful execution, the bootstrap process will have created default build scripts, an exawind configuration file (, and an exawind environment file (scripts/ Please verify the default values provided in and adjust them if necessary. By default, the bootstrap script will not install Trilinos or Nalu-Wind, these need to be manually installed by the user. Please proceed to Compiling executables using build scripts for instructions on how to compile Trilinos and Nalu-Wind.


  • If you have multiple versions of the same compiler installed, then use SPACK_COMPILER to set an exact specification that you will when installing packages. For example, to use GCC 7.2.0 version instead of older versions, it might be necessary to set SPACK_COMPILER=gcc%7.2.0 before executing the bootstrap script.

  • Ninja is a build system that is an alternative to make. It provides several features of make but is considerably faster when building code. The speedup is particularly evident when compiling Trilinos. Since codes used in ExaWind project contain Fortran files, it requires a special fork of Ninja (maintained by Kitware). If you have already executed bootstrap and forgot to add the -n flag, then use Configuring exawind-builder to use Ninja to install Ninja for your use.

Setting up custom ExaWind python environment

exawind-builder now supports building certain Python packages (e.g., pySTK. To enable this capability, you’ll need to set up a custom virtual environment with the necessary python modules. Currently, exawind-builder only supports the Conda python package manager. To enable this capability:

  1. Install Conda if you don’t have an existing conda installation.

  2. Create a new virtual environment using the utility

./exawind-builder/ -s <system> -c <compiler> -r ${CONDA_ROOT_DIR}

Upon successful installation, this creates a new virtual environment exawind with all the necessary Python modules to build and use ExaWind python libraries.

Initial Homebrew Setup for Mac OS-X Users

On Mac OS X, we will use a combination of Homebrew and spack to setup our dependencies. This setup will use Apple’s Clang compiler for C and C++ sources, and GNU GCC gfortran for Fortran sources. The dependency on Homebrew is to avoid the compilation time required for compiling OpenMPI on Mac. Please follow these one-time installation process to set up your Homebrew environment.

  1. Setup homebrew if you don’t already have it installed on your machine. Follow the section Install Homebrew at the Homebrew website. Note that you will need sudo access and will have to enter your password several times during the installation process.

  2. Once Homebrew has been installed execute the following commands to install packages necessary for exawind-builder from homebrew.

# Allow installation of brew bundles
brew tap Homebrew/brewdler

# Fetch the exawind Brewfile
curl -fsSL -o Brewfile

# Install brew packages
brew bundle --file=Brewfile

Upon successful installation, please proceed to the Installing exawind-builder section.