Running AMR-Wind

To run amr_wind, the user must provide a text file containing inputs describing the problem and any additional command-line arguments that override the parameters in the input file for that particular invocation of the executable.

# Parse input parameters from `inputs.abl` but change max_step to 20
$ ./amr_wind inputs.abl time.max_step=20

See input file description for a list of AMR-Wind input flags and proper syntax.

Restarting AMR-Wind

To restart a case, an initial simulation must be run with AMR-Wind checkpoints. These checkpoints are a slice of the solution, and solution settings, that will provide initial input for a restart. Check the time inputs and i/o inputs for input flags to set up checkpoints.

  1. Change your time.start_time to the restart time (optional)

  2. Set io.restart_file to your AMR-Wind checkpoint directory

  3. Re-submit case as above

Restarting AMR-Wind with OpenFAST Turbines


AMR-Wind supports OpenFAST version 3.5 (and patched versions of 3.5). Updates to OpenFAST input files should follow the OpenFAST documentation on the matter.


Currently, AMR-Wind automatically creates an OpenFAST .chkp file for every AMR-Wind checkpoint. These .chkp files are found within each OpenFAST turbine directory.

  1. Change your time.start_time to the restart time (optional)

  2. Set io.restart_file to your AMR-Wind checkpoint directory

  3. Set Actuator.T1.openfast_sim_mode = restart for each turbine (i.e. T1 in this example)

  4. Set Actuator.T1.openfast_restart_file as the OpenFAST checkpoint file. Note that this must be a relative path from your amr-wind case root, and the “.chkp” must be removed from the filename

  5. Set Actuator.T1.openfast_start_time to the restart time and double check that Actuator.T1.openfast_stop_time is ok

  6. Re-submit case as above