AMR-Wind inputs file
To run amr_wind, the user must provide a text file containing inputs describing the problem and any additional command-line arguments that override the parameters in the input file for that particular invocation of the executable.
# Parse input parameters from `inputs.abl` but change max_step to 20
$ ./amr_wind inputs.abl time.max_step=20
The input file is a simple text file containing key = value
entries for the
input parameters. The text file can include comments, any text beginning with
till the end of line (EOF) is interpreted as comments and ignored by the
parser. Input file processing is handled by AMReX ParmParse library. This
section documents the various input file parameters and their default values (if
available). In amr_wind, the input file is broken into sections
indicated by a namespace prefix. For example, all inputs related to the problem
domain are prefixed with geometry.
and so on. A sample input file is shown below
1# AMR-Wind example input file
3# Atmospheric boundary layer (precursor) simulation
6# Problem domain definition
7geometry.prob_lo = 0.0 0.0 0.0
8geometry.prob_hi = 5120.0 5120.0 1280.0
9geometry.is_periodic = 1 1 0
11# Mesh resolution and AMR definitions
12amr.n_cell = 512 512 128
13amr.max_level = 0
15# Simulation control parameters
16time.stop_time = 20000.0
17time.max_step = -1
18time.fixed_dt = 0.5
19time.cfl = 0.95
20time.init_shrink = 0.1
21time.regrid_interval = -1
22time.plot_interval = 1000
23time.checkpoint_interval = 10000
24time.use_force_cfl = false
26# input/output settings
27io.check_file = "chk"
28io.plot_file = "plt"
29io.restart_file = ""
31# incflo
32incflo.physics = ABL
33incflo.density = 1.225
34incflo.velocity = 6.0 5.0 0.0
35incflo.verbose = 0
36incflo.initial_iterations = 3
37incflo.do_initial_proj = true
38incflo.constant_density = true
39incflo.use_godunov = 1
40incflow.godunov_type = "ppm"
41incflo.godunov_use_forces_in_trans = false
42incflo.diffusion_type = 2
44# transport equation parameters
45transport.model = ConstTransport
46transport.viscosity = 1.0e-5
47transport.laminar_prandtl = 0.7
48transport.turbulent_prandtl = 0.333
50# turbulence equation parameters
51turbulence.model = OneEqKsgsM84
53# Atmospheric boundary layer
54ABL.Uperiods = 4.0
55ABL.Vperiods = 4.0
56ABL.cutoff_height = 50.0
57ABL.deltaU = 1.0
58ABL.deltaV = 1.0
59ABL.kappa = .41
60ABL.normal_direction = 2
61ABL.perturb_ref_height = 50.0
62ABL.perturb_temperature = true
63ABL.perturb_velocity = true
64ABL.reference_temperature = 290.0
65ABL.stats_output_format = netcdf
66ABL.stats_output_frequency = 1
67ABL.surface_roughness_z0 = 0.01
68ABL.surface_temp_flux = 0.005
69ABL.temperature_heights = 0.0 2000.0
70ABL.temperature_values = 290.0 296.0
72# momentum source term parameters
73ICNS.source_terms = BoussinesqBuoyancy CoriolisForcing ABLForcing
74ABLForcing.abl_forcing_height = 90.0
75BoussinesqBuoyancy.reference_temperature = 300.0
76BoussinesqBuoyancy.thermal_expansion_coeff = 0.003333333333
77CoriolisForcing.east_vector = 1.0 0.0 0.0
78CoriolisForcing.latitude = 41.3
79CoriolisForcing.north_vector = 0.0 1.0 0.0
80CoriolisForcing.rotational_time_period = 86400.0
81GeostrophicForcing.geostrophic_wind = 10.0 0.0 0.0
83# Boundary conditions
84zhi.type = "slip_wall"
85zhi.temperature_type = "fixed_gradient"
86zhi.temperature = 0.003
87zlo.type = "wall_model"
88zlo.tke_type = "fixed_gradient"
90# MLMG options for cell-centered diffusion solve
91diffusion.mg_verbose = 0
92diffusion.mg_cg_verbose = 0
93diffusion.mg_max_iter = 200
94diffusion.mg_cg_max_iter = 200
95diffusion.mg_fmg_max_iter = 0
96diffusion.mg_max_coarsening_level = 100
97diffusion.mg_max_order = 2
98diffusion.mg_rtol = 1.0e-6
99diffusion.mg_atol = 1.0e-12
100diffusion.bottom_solver = "bicgstab"
102# MLMG options for MAC Projection
103mac_proj.mg_rtol = 1.0e-6
104mac_proj.mg_atol = 1.0e-12
106# MLMG options for Nodal Projection
107nodal_proj.mg_rtol = 1.0e-6
108nodal_proj.mg_atol = 1.0e-12
110# Post processing algorithms
111incflo.post_processing = sampling enstrophy ke
113# Data probe sampling
114sampling.output_frequency = 1
115sampling.labels = l_v11 p_h
116sampling.fields = velocity temperature
118# sampling along a line
119sampling.l_v11.type = LineSampler
120sampling.l_v11.num_points = 192
121sampling.l_v11.start = 500.0 500.0 5.0
122sampling.l_v11.end = 500.0 500.0 1995.0
124# Sampling on a plane
125sampling.p_h.type = PlaneSampler
126sampling.p_h.axis1 = 5210.0 0.0 0.0
127sampling.p_h.axis2 = 0.0 5210.0 0.0
128sampling.p_h.origin = 0.0 0.0 50.0
129sampling.p_h.num_points = 288 288
130sampling.p_h.normal = 0.0 0.0 1.0
131sampling.p_h.offsets = 0.0 50.0 150.0
133# kinetic energy and enstrophy integration
134ke.type = KineticEnergy
135ke.output_frequency = 1
136enstrophy.type = Enstrophy
137enstrophy.output_frequency = 1
Input file reference
The AMR-Wind input file is organized in the following sections
Section |
Description |
Computational domain information |
Mesh refinement controls |
Static and dynamic refinement options |
Simulation time controls |
Input/Output controls |
CFD algorithm and physics controls |
Transport equation controls |
Turbulence model controls |
Atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) controls |
Mesoscale ABL forcing controls |
Inject turbulence using body forces |
Activate Momentum source terms and their parameters |
Boundary condition types and gradients |
Multi-Level Multi-Grid Linear solver options |
Data probes to sample field data during simulations |
Time averaging and correlations |
This section documents the parameters available within each section.
Boolean flags (
) can also be indicated using integers in the text file and uses the convention0 = False
and1 = True
.Quotes around strings are optional.
If an input is repeated only the last one is used.
- Section: geometry
- Section: amr
- Section: tagging
- Section: time
- Section: io
- Section: incflo
- Section: transport
- Section: turbulence
- Section: Momentum Sources
- Section: Temperature Sources
- Section: TKE Sources
- Section: ABL
- Section: ABLMesoForcing
- Section: SyntheticTurbulence
- Section: Boundary conditions
- Section: MLMG options
- Section: Sampling
- Section: Averaging
- Section: KineticEnergy
- Section: Enstrophy
- Section: Actuator
- Section: Ocean Waves