Nalu-Wind Input File

Nalu-Wind requires the user to provide an input file, in YAML format, during invocation at the command line using the naluX -i flag. By default, naluX will look for nalu.i in the current working directory to determine the mesh file as well as the run setup for execution. A sample nalu.i is shown below:

1 Sample Nalu-Wind input file for the Heat Conduction problem
# -*- mode: yaml -*-
# Example Nalu input file for a heat conduction problem

  - name: sim1
    time_integrator: ti_1
    optimizer: opt1

  - name: solve_scalar
    type: tpetra
    method: gmres 
    preconditioner: sgs 
    tolerance: 1e-3
    max_iterations: 75 
    kspace: 75 
    output_level: 0


  - name: realm_1
    mesh: periodic3d.g
    use_edges: no 
    automatic_decomposition_type: rcb

      name: theEqSys
      max_iterations: 2 
        temperature: solve_scalar
        - HeatConduction:
            name: myHC
            max_iterations: 1
            convergence_tolerance: 1e-5


      - constant: ic_1
        target_name: block_1
         temperature: 10.0

      target_name: block_1
        - name: density
          type: constant
          value: 1.0
        - name: thermal_conductivity
          type: constant
          value: 1.0
        - name: specific_heat
          type: constant
          value: 1.0


    - wall_boundary_condition: bc_left
      target_name: surface_1
        temperature: 20.0

    - wall_boundary_condition: bc_right
      target_name: surface_2
        temperature: 40.0

      name: myOptions

      use_consolidated_solver_algorithm: yes

      - element_source_terms:
          temperature: FEM_DIFF

      output_data_base_name: femHC.e
      output_frequency: 10
      output_node_set: no 
       - dual_nodal_volume
       - temperature

  - StandardTimeIntegrator:
      name: ti_1
      start_time: 0
      termination_step_count: 25 
      time_step: 10.0 
      time_stepping_type: fixed
      time_step_count: 0
      second_order_accuracy: no

        - realm_1

Nalu-Wind input file contains the following top-level sections that describe the simulation to be executed.


Realms describe the computational domain (via mesh input files) and the set of physics equations (Low-Mach Navier-Stokes, Heat Conduction, etc.) that are solved over this particular domain. The list can contain multiple computational domains (realms) that use different meshes as well as solve different sets of physics equations and interact via solution transfer. This section also contains information regarding the initial and boundary conditions, solution output and restart options, the linear solvers used to solve the linear system of equations, and solution options that govern the discretization of the equation set.

A special case of a realm instance is the input-output realm; this realm type does not solve any physics equations, but instead serves one of the following purposes:

  • provide time-varying boundary conditions to one or more boundaries within one or more of the participating realms in the simulations. In this context, it acts as an input realm.

  • extract a subset of data for output at a different frequency from the other realms. In this context, it acts as an output realm.

Inclusion of an input/output realm will require the user to provide the additional :inpfile:`transfers` section in the Nalu-Wind input file that defines the solution fields that are transferred between the realms. See Physics Realm Options for detailed documentation on all Realm options.

Linear Solvers

This section configures the solvers and preconditioners used to solve the resulting linear system of equations within Nalu-Wind. The linear system convergence tolerance and other controls are set here and can be used with multiple systems across different realms. See Linear Solvers for more details.

Time Integrators

This section configures the time integration scheme used (first/second order in time), the duration of simulation, fixed or adaptive timestepping based on Courant number constraints, etc. Each time integration section in this list can accept one or more :inpfile:`realms` that are integrated in time using that specific time integration scheme. See Time Integration Options for complete documentation of all time integration options available in Nalu-Wind.


An optional section that defines one or more solution transfer definitions between the participating :inpfile:`realms` during the simulation. Each transfer definition provides a mapping of the to and from realm, part, and the solution field that must be transferred at every timestep during the simulation. See ABL Forcing section for complete documentation of all transfer options available in Nalu-Wind.


Simulations provides the top-level architecture that orchestrates the time-stepping across all the realms and the required equation sets.

Linear Solvers

The linear_solvers section contains a list of one or more linear solver settings that specify the solver, preconditioner, convergence tolerance for solving a linear system. Every entry in the YAML list will contain the following entries:


The variable in the :inpfile:`linear_solvers` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

Options Common to both Solver Libraries

Additional parameters for Belos Solver/Preconditioners

Additional parameters for Hypre Solver/Preconditioners

The user is referred to Hypre Reference Manual for full details on the usage of the parameters described briefly below.

The parameters that start with bamg_ prefix refer to options related to Hypre’s BoomerAMG preconditioner.

Time Integration Options

Physics Realm Options

As mentioned previously, :inpfile:`realms` is a YAML list data structure containing at least one Physics Realm Options entry that defines the computational domain (provided as an Exodus-II mesh), the set of physics equations that must be solved over this domain, along with the necessary initial and boundary conditions. Each list entry is a YAML dictionary mapping that is described in this section of the manual. The key subsections of a Realm entry in the input file are

Realm subsection



Set of physics equations to be solved


Initial conditions for the various fields


Boundary condition for the different fields


Material properties (e.g., fluid density, viscosity etc.)


Discretization and numerical stability


Mesh transformation


Mesh motion


Solution output options (file, frequency, etc.)


Optional: Restart options (restart time, checkpoint frequency etc.)


Optional: Parameters determining variable timestepping

In addition to the sections mentioned in the table, there are several additional sections that could be present depending on the specific simulation type and post-processing options requested by the user. A brief description of these optional sections are provided below:

Realm subsection



Generate statistics for the flow field


Extract integrated data from the simulation


Compare the solution error to a reference solution


Extract data using probes


Model turbine blades/tower using actuator lines


Momentum source term to drive ABL flows to a desired velocity profile


Compute boundary layer statistics

Common options

Equation Systems


The variable in the :inpfile:`equation_systems` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

Initial conditions

Boundary Conditions

All BC types require :inpfile:`bc.target_name` that contains a list of side sets where the specified BC is to be applied. Additional information necessary for certain BC types are provided by a sub-dictionary with the key <type>_user_data: that contains the parameters necessary to initialize a specific BC type.

Inflow Boundary Condition

- inflow_boundary_condition: bc_inflow
  target_name: inlet
    velocity: [0.0,0.0,1.0]

Open Boundary Condition

- open_boundary_condition: bc_open
  target_name: outlet
    velocity: [0,0,0]
    pressure: 0.0
    entrainment_method: {computed, specified}
    total_pressure: {yes, no}

Wall Boundary Condition

The following input file snippet shows an example of using an ABL wall function at the terrain during ABL simulations. See ABL Wall Function for more details on the actual implementation.

# Wall boundary condition example for ABL terrain modeling
- wall_boundary_condition: bc_terrain
  target_name: terrain
    velocity: [0,0,0]
    use_abl_wall_function: yes
    heat_flux: 0.0
    roughness_height: 0.2
    gravity_vector_component: 3
    reference_temperature: 300.0

The entry :inpfile:`gravity_vector_component` is an integer that specifies the component of the gravity vector, defined in :inpfile:`solution_options.gravity`, that should be used in the definition of the Monin-Obukhov length scale calculation. The entry :inpfile:`reference_temperature` is the reference temperature used in calculation of the Monin-Obukhov length scale.

When there is mesh motion involved the wall boundary velocity takes the value of the mesh_velocity along the part represented by :inpfile:`bc.target_name`. In such a scenario all information under :inpfile:`bc.wall_user_data` is rendered unused.

Example of wall boundary with a custom user function for temperature at the wall

- wall_boundary_condition: bc_6
  target_name: surface_6
     temperature: steady_2d_thermal

Symmetry Boundary Condition

Requires no additional input other than :inpfile:`bc.target_name`.

- symmetry_boundary_condition: bc_top
   target_name: top

Periodic Boundary Condition

Unlike the other BCs described so far, the parameter :inpfile:`bc.target_name` behaves differently for the periodic BC. This parameter must be a list containing exactly two entries: the boundary face pair where periodicity is enforced. The nodes on these planes must coincide after translation in the direction of periodicity. This BC also requires a :inpfile:`periodic_user_data` section that specifies the search tolerance for locating node pairs.

Non-Conformal Boundary

Like the periodic BC, the parameter :inpfile:`bc.target_name` must be a list with exactly two entries that specify the boundary plane pair forming the non-conformal boundary.

- non_conformal_boundary_condition: bc_left
  target_name: [surface_77, surface_7]
    expand_box_percentage: 10.0

Material Properties

Solution Options


The documentation for this section is incomplete.

Mesh Transformation

Mesh Motion

Output Options

Restart Options

Time-step Control Options

Turbine specific input options

Actuator Turbine Model

  type: ActLineFAST
  search_method: stk_kdtree
  search_target_part: Unspecified-2-HEX

  n_turbines_glob: 2
  dry_run:  False
  debug:    False
  t_start: 0.0
  simStart: init # init/trueRestart/restartDriverInitFAST
  t_max:    5.0
  n_every_checkpoint: 100

    procNo: 0
    num_force_pts_blade: 50
    num_force_pts_tower: 20
    nacelle_cd: 1.0
    nacelle_area: 1.0
    air_density: 1.225
    epsilon: [ 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 ]
    turbine_base_pos: [ 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ]
    turbine_hub_pos: [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    restart_filename: ""
    FAST_input_filename: "Test01.fst"
    turb_id:  1
    turbine_name: machine_zero

    procNo: 0
    num_force_pts_blade: 50
    num_force_pts_tower: 20
    nacelle_cd: 1.0
    nacelle_area: 1.0
    air_density: 1.225
    epsilon: [ 5.0, 5.0, 5.0 ]
    turbine_base_pos: [ 250.0, 0.0, -90.0 ]
    turbine_hub_pos: [ 250.0, 0.0, 0.0 ]
    restart_filename: ""
    FAST_input_filename: "Test02.fst"
    turb_id:  2
    turbine_name: machine_one


t_max can only be set when OpenFAST is running from t=0s and simStart is init. t_max can not be changed on a restart. OpenFAST will not be able to run beyond t_max. Choose t_max to be large enough to accomodate any possible future extensions of runs. One can change t_start and t_end to start and stop the simulation any number of times as long as t_end <= t_max.

Turbine specific input options

Fluid-Structure Interaction

Turbulence averaging


The variable in the :inpfile:`turbulence_averaging` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

Data probes


The variable in the :inpfile:`data_probes` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.



The variable in the :inpfile:`post_processing` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.

ABL Forcing


The variables in the :inpfile:`abl_forcing` subsection are prefixed with but only the variable name after the period should appear in the input file.


There are now two options in the following inputs. The can be momentum and/or temperature.


The temperature has the same inputs as the momentum source (abl_forcing.temperature.type, abl_forcing.temperature.relaxation_factor, abl_forcing.temperature.heights, and abl_forcing.temperature.target_part_format) which take the same options.

Boundary Layer Statistics

