Section: ABL
This section is for setting atmospheric boundary layer parameters.
- ABL.kappa
type: Real, optional, default = 0.41
Wall model coefficient.
- ABL.surface_roughness_z0
type: Real, optional, default = 0.1
Wall model surface roughness.
- ABL.normal_direction
type: Integer, optional, default = 2
Wall model normal direction. x-direction = 0, y-direction = 1, z-direction = 2.
- ABL.log_law_height
type: Real, optional
Height to evaluate the log law for the wall model. Currently, if this parameter is not specified in the input file, the first half cell height is calculated and is used to set the log law height. Therefore the log law height depends on the domain size and number of elements in the normal direction. If this parameter is set to a number the log law is evaluated at a fixed height. Note: currently the fluctuating velocity terms in the shear stress model are only available at the first cell center above the wall. This limitation will be removed soon.
- ABL.temperature_heights
type: List of Reals, mandatory
Height(s) in meters at which temperature values are prescribed.
- ABL.temperature_values
type: List of Reals (has to be same length as
), mandatoryTemperature values in Kelvin at the corresponding
. The temperature below the first height is assumed to be constant and equal to the first temperature value. The temperature between values is initialized to have linear variation. The final temperature is constant above the last specified height.
- ABL.perturb_velocity
type: Boolean, optional, default = true
If true this flag turns on perturbations to the freestream flow.
- ABL.pertub_ref_height
type: Real, optional, default = 50.0
Reference height for velocity perturbations, perturbations exist below this height and decay above this height. Only active when
= true.
- ABL.Uperiods
type: Real, optional, default = 4.0
Number of sinusoidal waves in x-direction. Only active when
= true.
- ABL.Vperiods
type: Real, optional, default = 4.0
Number of sinusoidal waves in y-direction. Only active when
= true.
- ABL.deltaU
type: Real, optional, default = 1.0
Amplitude of fluctuations in x-direction. Only active when
= true.
- ABL.deltaV
type: Real, optional, default = 1.0
Amplitude of fluctuations in y-direction. Only active when
= true.
- ABL.perturb_temperature
type: Boolean, optional, default = false
Perturb temperature field with random fluctuations.
- ABL.theta_amplitude
type: Real, optional, default = 0.8 K
Amplitude of the temperature perturbations added to the initial field. Only active when
is true.
- ABL.cutoff_height
type: Real, optional, default = domain height
Height below which temperature perturbations are added
- ABL.random_gauss_mean
type: Real, optional, default = 0.0
Mean for the Gaussian random number generator
- ABL.random_gauss_var
type: Real, optional, default = 1.0
Variance for the Gaussian random number generator
- ABL.bndry_file
type: String, optional, default = “”
NetCDF-4 file name for ABL inflow
- ABL.bndry_io_mode
type: Int, optional, default = -1
IO mode (0=output, 1=input)
- ABL.bndry_planes
type: String, optional, default = “”
IO planes for ABL inflow
- ABL.bndry_output_start_time
type: Real, optional, default = 0.0
Time at which to start ABL inflow output
- ABL.bndry_var_names
type: String, optional, default = “”
Variables for IO for ABL inflow
- ABL.wall_shear_stress_type
type: String, optional, default = “Moeng”
Wall shear stress model: options include “constant”, “local”, “Schumann”, and “Moeng”
- ABL.bndry_output_format
type: String, optional, default = “native”
Output of boundary plane files. Valid values are
- ABL.initial_condition_input_file
type: String, optional, default= “”
File that contains initial conditions for the velocity field in netcdf file format. This file is expected to have the same dimensions as the simulation. Values are passed directly from the file to the velocity field inside the code. Only spanwise velocity components are supported.
- ABL.anelastic
type: Boolean, optional, default= false
Activate anelastic behavior. This adds reference_density and reference_pressure fields.
- ABL.bottom_reference_pressure
type: Real, optional, default = 1.01325e5
Reference pressure at the bottom of the domain. Used for anelastic ABL.
- ABL.initial_wind_profile
type: Boolean, optional, default= false
Activates the reading of wind speed profile from a file. Recommended for RANS models.
- ABL.rans_1dprofile_file
type: String, optional, default = “”
This input is required when the ABL.initial_wind_profile is set to True.
- ABL.meso_sponge_start
type: Real, optional, default = 650
Height at which the forcing term is enabled for the RANS model. It is enabled by default for turbulent kinetic energy and needs to be enabled for temperature as follows: Temperature.source_terms = TempSpongeForcing