Section: Sampling

This section controls data-sampling (post-processing) actions supported within AMR-wind. Note that while the input parameters use the keyword sampling, the actual keyword is determined by the labels provided to incflo.post_processing. So for example, if incflo.post_processing = my_sampling, then the options must be prefixed with my_sampling..


type: Integer, optional, default = 100

Specify the output frequency (in timesteps) when data sampling is performed and output to disk.


type: Integer, optional, default = 0

Specify the output delay (in timesteps) when data sampling and output will begin during a simulation. E.g., a delay of 100 will wait until the hundredth timestep to check if, according to the output frequency, sampling should be performed and output to disk.


type: String, optional, default = “native”

Specify the format of the data outputs. Currently the code supports the following formats


AMReX particle binary format. This is the preferred output format for performance.


AMReX particle ASCII format. Note, this can have significant impact on performance and must be used for debugging only.


This requires linking to the netcdf library. If netcdf is linked to AMR-Wind and output format is not specified then netcdf is chosen by default.


type: List of one or more names

Labels indicate the names of the different types of samplers (e.g., line, plane, probes) that are used to sample data from the flow field.

For example, if the user uses


sampling.labels = line1 lidar1 plane1 probe1

Then the code expects to read sampling.line1, sampling.plane1, sampling.probe1 sections to determine the specific sampling probe information.


type: List of one or more strings

List of CFD simulation fields to sample and output


type: List of one or more strings

List of CFD simulation int fields to sample and output (e.g. mask_cell)


type: List of one or more strings

List of CFD simulation derived fields to sample and output (e.g. mag_vorticity)

AMReX particle binary format

The native format can be read by ParaView or using Python scripts. We provide an example in the source code and the post processing documentation. A typical data frame might look like:

       uid  set_id  probe_id          xco     yco    zco  velocityx  velocityy  velocityz
  0      0       0         0   200.000000   200.0  200.0   6.129077   5.143022        0.0
  1      1       0         1   244.444444   200.0  200.0   6.129077   5.144596        0.0
 ..    ...     ...       ...          ...     ...    ...        ...        ...        ...
595    595       1       195   555.555556  1000.0  999.0   6.128356   5.142301        0.0
596    596       1       196   666.666667  1000.0  999.0   6.128356   5.142301        0.0

where uid is the global probe id, set_id is the label id (e.g., plane_sampling.labels = plane1 plane2, numbered as the user input order), probe_id is the local probe id to this label, *co are the coordinates of the probe, and the other columns are the user requested sampled fields. The same labels are seeing by other visualization tools such as ParaView. The directory also contains a sampling_info file where additional information (e.g., time) is stored. This file is automatically parse by the provided particle reader tool and the information is stored in a dictionary that is a member variable of the class.

Sampling along a line

The LineSampler allows the user to sample the flow-field along a line defined by start and end coordinates with num_points equidistant nodes.


sampling.line1.type       = LineSampler
sampling.line1.num_points = 21
sampling.line1.start      = 250.0 250.0 10.0
sampling.line1.end        = 250.0 250.0 210.0

Sampling along a line moving in time (virtual lidar)

The LidarSampler allows the user to sample the flow-field along a line defined by origin and spanning to length with num_points equidistant nodes. Location of the line is given by the time histories azimuth_table and elevation_table. Angles are given in degrees with 0 azimuth and 0 elevation being the x direction. Lidar measurements may also be collected at a constant location by specifying only one entry to the tables.


sampling.lidar1.type            = LidarSampler
sampling.lidar1.num_points      = 21
sampling.lidar1.origin          = 250.0 250.0 10.0
sampling.lidar1.length          = 500.0
sampling.lidar1.time_table      = 0 10.0
sampling.lidar1.azimuth_table   = 0 90.0
sampling.lidar1.elevation_table = 0 45.0

Sampling on one or more planes

The PlaneSampler samples the flow-field on two-dimensional planes defined by two axes: axis1 and axis2 with the bottom corner located at origin and is divided into equally spaced nodes defined by the two entries in num_points vector. Multiple planes parallel to the reference planes can be sampled by specifying the offset_vector vector along which the the planes are offset for as many planes as there are entries in the offset array.


sampling.plane1.type          = PlaneSampler
sampling.plane1.axis1         = 1.0 0.0 0.0
sampling.plane1.axis2         = 0.0 0.0 1.0
sampling.plane1.origin        = 0.0 0.0 0.0
sampling.plane1.num_points    = 10 10
sampling.plane1.offset_vector = 1.0 0.0 0.0
sampling.plane1.offsets       = 0.0 2.0 3.0

Illustration of this example:


1 Example of sampling on planes.

Sampling at arbitrary locations

The ProbeSampler allows the user to sample the flow field at arbitrary locations read from a text file (default: probe_locations.txt).


sampling.probe1.type = ProbeSampler
sampling.probe1.probe_location_file = "probe_locations.txt"

The first line of the file contains the total number of probes for this set. This is followed by the coordinates (three real numbers), one line per probe. This type of sampler also supports the offset_vector and offsets options implemented with the plane sampler, shown above. For the probe sampler, these options apply offsets to the positions of all the points provided in the probe location file.

Sampling on a volume

The VolumeSampler samples a 3D volume that starts at lo and extends to hi. The resolution in all directions is specified by num_points.


sampling.volume1.type        = VolumeSampler
sampling.volume1.hi        = 3.0 1.0 0.5
sampling.volume1.lo      = 0.0 0.0 -0.5
sampling.volume1.num_points  = 30 10 10

Sampling on the air-water interface

The FreeSurfaceSampler samples on the air-water interface, and it requires the vof (volume-of-fluid) field to be present in order to function. The sample locations are specified using a grid that starts at plane_start and extends to plane_end. The resolution in each direction is specified by plane_num_points. The coordinates of the sampling locations are determined by the location of the air-water interface in the search direction, specified by search_direction, and the other coordinates are determined by the plane_ parameters. The default search direction parameter is 2, indicating the samplers will search for the interface along the z-direction. Due to this design, it is best to specify a plane that is normal to the intended search direction. Another optional parameter is num_instances, which is available for cases where the interface location is multi-valued along the search direction, such as during wave breaking. This parameter defaults to 1, and the sampler will automatically select the highest position along the search direction when the interface location is multi-valued.


sampling.fs1.type             = FreeSurfaceSampler
sampling.fs1.plane_start      = 4.0 -1.0 0.0
sampling.fs1.plane_end        = 0.0 1.0  0.0
sampling.fs1.plane_num_points = 20 10